Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Hemp Protein Milk

I love a flavorful creamy drink without added sugar. Here's one that is great in-between meals or for breakfast on the go.

Makes one serving
2 cups filters
4 tablespoons hemp seeds
2-3 dates (depending upon preference) **
1 1/2 teaspoons organic vanilla bean powder

**I sometimes soak the dates in hot water before making. They tend to blend a bit easier with less residue but I do not mind the little pieces at the bottom. If you do, then use a strainer when pouring into glass or container.

Place all ingredients in blender and blend on high for 1-2 minutes.

This is best when it is cold so you will want to refridgerate before drinking or use very cold water when making this. I usually just make it ahead of time and then it is cold when I want it. I will keep for 3-4 day maybe longer in the fridge.

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